David Vincent is training to be a yoga teacher with the London Yoga Teachers Training Group. He is registered with the British Wheel of Yoga as a Student Teacher.

David Vincent Yoga

Yoga for Stress

This class is a new class. It will be gentle, thoughtful Hatha Yoga, influenced by the teachings of Vanda Scaravelli. It is designed to be helpful with stress and tension which are held in the body and experienced as stiffness, insomnia, inflexibility, pain and tiredness. It is a very suitable class for all beginners, particularly for older people.

David worked for many years as a psychotherapist in private practice and in the NHS, and has a long-standing interest in, and experience of, people who suffer from anxiety and stress of various kinds.

There is increasing evidence from research, mainly in India and the United States, that yoga is extremely helpful in the treatment and management of a wide range of physical and psychological difficulties and illness. Yoga can be very helpful with the bodily reaction to continued stress, which gets stored in the muscles and joints.

The body closes up and this leads over time to stiffness, pain and problems with gait, balance and breathing. Gentle, careful yoga with an emphasis on the breath is helpful with this and leads to greater calmness and improved rest and sleep.

Due to David still being in training, until he qualifies the fee for this class is a donation (seven pounds is suggested) which is collected by Clerkenwellbeing and donated to charity.

David Vincent Yoga

David Vincent

Yoga Instructor (BWY Student Teacher)

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