• Woman rolling her mat after a yoga class
  • silhouette Asian senior woman doing yoga at morning beach

YOGA FOR STRESS – Friday mornings, 8.00 am to 9.00 am, at Clerkenwellbeing


This class is gentle Hatha Yoga, influenced by Vanda Scaravelli. We will work with careful movement to improve posture and alignment, and to ground and stabilise the body. It is a suitable class both for people who already have some experience of yoga, and who want to relieve stress and fatigue, and for those who are new to yoga.


Stress is often held in the body and this class will centre on easing and calming this through careful stretching and lengthening. By paying thoughtful attention to what our bodies can and cannot do, we can increase our self-knowledge and sense of control.


We will pay a lot of attention in this class to breathing. We will work to become more comfortable with our natural breathing rhythm, and to learn more intensive methods of using the breath (pranayama) to calm the body and mind.

“When the body is open the heart is open” – Vanda Scaravelli

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